Tuesday 29 May 2012

Getting closer!

So I finally think I have something that I can call an Astroimage.

It's not the best, granted, but I'm happy with it from a beginners point of view!

It's M13 again, of course - I wanted to at least get something right-ish before moving onto somethng new.

12 subs of 30 seconds at ISO 800, processed in Registax with one 30s dark.

Here's the (cropped) result!
 It's a little dim and lacking in vibrance, but I'm fairly pleased. I'm sure I can improve it with time, but for a beginner, it could be worse. Mix in the fact that there was a blooming great moon this evening, and it don't look too bad! Talking of the moon, I also gave the moon a quick stab. This is around 10 frames, 1/20s exposure on I can't remember what ISO. Stacked in Registax.
 And cropped / enlarged in Photoshop CS5

I can just about discern the 'violet limb' that is expected from my scope, but I think I just about get away with it. Could do with better focus though....

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Please refrain from using strong or offensive language on this page - its entirely feasible my Mum might read this, and I dont want you giving her any new words she doesnt know already ;)

Seriously though, please remain respectful to others and of other peoples opinions. Happy posting!