Saturday, 2 February 2013

Things I have learnt about Autoguiding so far...

1. Polar Alignment, Polar Alignment, Polar Alignment! Perfect PA is going to mean the difference between success and failure methinks.

2. Use a nice bright star as close to the image field of view as possible when calibrating in PHD. The program really doesn't like anything but a nice sparkly biggun for this.

3. Remove Moon Filter from guidecam before trying to guide. This really helps. Idiot.

4. Don't accept the default autoguider software settings offhand, they will definitely need a tweak!

5. Take darks with the guidecam, it makes things a whoooooole lot easier!

6. Do not kick the tripod. Then, repeat to one's self: "Do not kick the tripod".

7. Be prepared to spend a lot of time learning and practicing. Guiding certainly isn't happening over night!

8. Do not kick the #%$¥ing tripod!!!!

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Please refrain from using strong or offensive language on this page - its entirely feasible my Mum might read this, and I dont want you giving her any new words she doesnt know already ;)

Seriously though, please remain respectful to others and of other peoples opinions. Happy posting!