Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Cloudy days make work for idle hands....

At the kind request of a regular reader (thanks Maurice!) I've decided to show off the lovely Skywatcher 300P that I'm 'looking after' at the moment. It really is a lovely beast, so I should share it's glory with you all, rather than just touting my own work and letting its awesome size slip by unnoticed. Here he is, El Diablo:

Skywatcher 300P on Synta NEQ6 Pro (right) and TS Optics 6" on Synta EQ5 (left)

Comparison for size: That swarthy looking fellow is roughly 5'11". The 300P is 1.5 metres long!
I've also included a brief video of the 'scope slewing. It demonstrates nicely how quick the GOTO system can move a setup like this, and hopefully illustrates why such a system is useful, particularly when setup time with this beast takes so long!
The program in use is 'Cartes-du-ciel', an excellent free program which is simple to use and comparatively easy to synchronize if you wish to use it to control your telescope. It will also require the use of the ASCOM platform (ver 6) and EQMOD, another free patch which enables Cartes-du-ciel to communicate with the mount. You will also either need a Synscan (ver 3 or later) handset and a USB-serial adapter, or a USB mount interface, such as the Hitec Astro EqDir. Sorry for the rubbish production values in the video. I think it's clear I should remain an astronomer, never an entertainer!

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Please refrain from using strong or offensive language on this page - its entirely feasible my Mum might read this, and I dont want you giving her any new words she doesnt know already ;)

Seriously though, please remain respectful to others and of other peoples opinions. Happy posting!